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The silence was piercing as the gentle beautiful creature moved past the village.  It felt as if time had simply slowed in the way the way of dreams. All that saw her move slowly away realized that she would never return.  She wasn’t spotted often but her presence was constant and reassuring.  Her departure, for reasons no one knew, was heartbreaking, yet the choice was only hers. 


The villagers could only wonder at why she left.  Simply life many would say.  Perhaps it was her time to go . . .   There was never an answer why she was no longer there.


Waarom moeten vriendschappen eindigen als ze werkelijk mooi zijn en nuttig zijn voor degenen die ze echt nodig hebben? Vriendschappen ontstaan ​​met een reden en als ze authentiek en behulpzaam zijn, waarom moeten ze dan eindigen?










The past . . . 


I haven't really looked though my own site in a really long time.  While I think all that I wrote below is true, I still am hopeful that there are things we can do on a personal, community level to change what is going on as far as the Covid crisis in our life.  We're all sick of it.  I am sick of wearing a mask but even though I'm triple vaccinated I still will until we've moved beyond the numbers in our hospitals. I listened to my husband in the middle of the night struggle to figure out where to admit a patient because there were no beds.  I'm speaking to those of you so proud of the USA -- yes -- this is the reality right here in the communities you live in.  We have so many resources -- we have vaccines.  To anyone out there that is so proud of this country, our achievements, our ability to come together, use our resources, 911, it is not a political party decision -- it is a patriotic one.  We all want and need to move on.  You may not be privy to the toll it is taking on caretakers, but I am and it is not something you would ever want to do.  These people are dedicated, overworked and so incredibly committed.  All we can do, as we do with any purpose, be it our military or domestic soldiers within the hospitals, is support this greater cause.  That is what the people of a great country do.



Even in quarantine with my whole family, I find myself in moments of solitude.  We all are in this together, but there are moments when I still feel really alone.  Despite nothing but time on all of our hands, I find that friends don't seem to call as much -- oftentimes this simply seems from a lack of anything really new or interesting to talk about.  There are days with all of us here and each of us in our own spaces, quietly passing each other and meeting up at the end of the day to eat dinner together, even together can feel lonely.


I do feel fortunate that I do have people here -- if and when I need them.  I think about others who are alone and it would be taking a risk or compromising their own or other's wellbeing to get together.  There is always a different situation that could be or is harder.


When I do talk to friends -- some say that even though we're all in stunned disbelief that we are in this situation -- life moving on without feeling that you're an active participant -- we'll comment that we are grateful for this "forced" time together -- and there is something to be said for taking note of this situation and try to elicit any kind of good from it.  Each day feels very different.  I think we all have our breaking points and our days to melt down, cry, or just need space hopefully don't all coincide with each other.


My hope is that as we are in the middle of this, we focus on the good in others instead of wanting to blame or criticize choices.  This is such a bizarre period in our lives, hopefully one that does not occur again.  I hope we take away lessons that will help prevent another time like this again.  I truly believe that we can use this limbo of frustration and fear to touch off our resiliency mechanisms as human beings and maybe reset ourselves to a better place than before.  If anything, we do have a lot of time to think.  Maybe that's a glimmer of something good for all of us.

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